The transfer of Rs. 6,34,340 (Six Lakhs thirty four thousand three hundred and forty) to the “Manisha Bachao Abhiyan Samiti” on November 20, 2019, stood as a pivotal moment for the Sanjeevani Sisters Association Nepal. This act of kindness, spearheaded by Nani Kamala Gurung Jule, the association's founding member and Hong Kong convenor, marked their initial step in extending aid.
This landmark assistance highlighted their dedication to impacting lives positively. Specifically, the association's inaugural contribution targeted Manisha Gurung's case - a 22-year-old nursing student grappling with kidney failure and financial struggles. This compassionate act unfolded at the Royal Didibahini Kitchen in Buddhachwok, Pokhara symbolizing a crucial milestone in the organization's commitment to aiding individuals in distress.