In a heartwarming initiative, the Sanjeevani Sisters Association stepped forward to assist Purna Bahadur Pariyar, a 19-year-old resident of Harinas Village in Ramche, Syangja, who had been contending with heart disease for the past three years. Faced with financial constraints and a challenging family situation, Purna sought help to secure funds for his essential medical treatment.
Responding promptly to this plea for assistance, Guru Khempo Kamal Bhandari, associated with the Sanjeevani Sisters Association, compassionately provided financial aid to support Purna Pariyar's medical journey. The association conveyed its sincere wishes for Purna Pariyar's recovery, expressing gratitude for the support received from Guru Khempo Kamal Bhandari. This benevolent gesture reflects the association's commitment to positively impacting the health and well-being of individuals in need.